TGS 2010: Hey Pop Culture, Your Zombies are in My Yakuza Series

Yakuza, what? The cult favorite has taken a turn for the unexpected by focusing on zombies for the latest entry in the crime drama series, Yakuza Of The End. The news came about a few days ago but I was in too much of a dumbstruck awe to write anything intelligible on the subject. Even now, I'm fighting my hardest not to break down into a Neanderthalistic rage of nonsensical screaming.
The Yakuza series, which seemed more like a prime-time NHK drama than a game, with the addition of zombies and craziness of the sort, now seem more like a Takashi Miike movie than anything else. My first reaction to this marked new direction was a nice, hearty face palm.
Now, a few days later, more information is leaking out and it makes me wonder if maybe Sega is taking Of The End down the zombie route for light hearted purposes. Aside from things like cybernetic Gatling gun arms, you'll be able to enjoy typical Yakuza mini-games, such as batting cages, ping pong with sexy ladies, karaoke, and of course, visiting the hostess bars.
I won't write Of The End off yet, as much as I want to. With the game shifting to more shooter heavy play, and the possibility of four player co-op, there's still hope for this game.
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