Sega and Platinum Games Announce Anarchy Reigns

Last year's news of Platinum Games working on a multiplayer title has finally resurfaced, now with more details! Anarchy Reigns is a brawler at heart, upping the ante of the experience by adding multiplayer support. It's said to offer a diverse range of game types, ranging from tag team battles to a full-on battle royale, where a mess of players beat the life out of each other.
Jack, protagonist of the awesome Wii exclusive Mad World, makes an appearance with chainsaw and all. He looks a little different in high def color, but it seems like he hasn't lost his penchant for brutality. Other characters appear to have some resemblances, such as the bull-headed fellow who draws some similarities to Mad World's Big Bull Crocker, and the female whose got an ass like Bayonetta. Fuck it, I'll just go ahead and say the Metal Gear Solid: Rising ninja character is Vanquish's Sam Gideon in a new suit. It's a Platinum Games reunion!
Anarchy Reigns is set for a Fall 2011 release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

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