Timekillers: The Past Week in Brief

What up, suckas- I mean, dear dear readers! I just flew in from Amsterdam last night and I'm in desperate need of a recharge, but moreso than that, you're in desperate need of me to tell you to look at things! Most of what's contained within is old news that I missed (which I'm posting regardles of whether or not you missed it as well), so it will be conveniently re-blogged for your viewing pleasure:
- Remember Rokko-Chan, the eerily Mega Man Flash game with the incredible chiptune soundtrack (again, like Mega Man)? In case you didn't get enough of those tunes, here's a remix album you may enjoy
- Dishonored is available as of October 9 and it's getting very, very high scores. Not sold? This interactive trailer may sway you with it's multitude of options, which are of course all available to the player during game play
- Retro City Rampage released on October 9 for PS3, PS Vita, and PC. XBLA version coming at a later date (thanks, M$ certification Gestapo)
- Valve wants you to beta test their games and hardware. Need I say more? Go apply already!
- Green Arrow makes an official appearance in Injustice: Gods Among Us - Joker and Green Lantern too
- Disturbed top-down shooter, Hotline Miami, cruises for an October 23 release date, available for pre-order now (via Joystiq)
- Sprawling, brawling iOS game Punch Quest hits on October 25 (via Touch Arcade)
- Construction paper cut outs make for beautiful photography - and a perfect likeness to Limbo (via Wired)
- This WarFrame dev diary schools us on the classes (remarkably named WarFrames) and their unique skills
That's all I got. Time for a jet-lag induced nap.
punch quest,
retro city rampage,