Here's the Super Meat Boy Soundtrack Instead of a Sequel

Just a mere ten minutes into Super Meat Boy and I knew I was head over heels for the downloadable platformer of nearly insurmountable difficulty. It's fun, addicting, and while hard, you will always know that you die because you done goofed, not because the game is cheap.
Sadly, the incredible work of art that is Super Meat Boy will not be seeing a sequel.. Yet. Speaking with Eurogamer, developers Team Meat have revealed that their next game will be a totally new IP. Fortunately, no where in the interview did Team Meat state that Super Meat Boy 2 won't happen somewhere down the line. That looks like a glimmer of hope to me!
In related-but-unrelated news, SMB's incredibly amping soundtrack is now available for download. You can name your own price, but you can't go any lower than $3.99, cheapskate. This is 33 jumpin' and heart pumpin' tracks, I think the least you could do is cough up five bucks.