I'm finally getting the chance to experiment with something I've been wanting to try for a very long time. Last week, I was sent a review copy of Go Vacation for Wii, courtesy of my chums at Namco Bandai Games. The problem is, my Wii has been broken for months, so this fun little title is going to waste in my possession. Rather than cry myself to sleep while spooning the unopened copy of what is surely Namco Bandai's opus, I'm reaching out for your help, dear reader.
Here's the plan: leave a comment below. If you're a regular reader, you know the drill for OBG giveaways. I'd like your comment to be on topic, so if you should feel inclined, let me know what your dream destination to Go Vacation would be. Or, just say something along the lines of "ii want a frii Wii game." I don't discriminate. HOWEVER! The winner MUST supply a review of the game, to be featured on OBG. This review can be anything you'd like; a write up, a song, a youtube video, a series of comic panels, whatever. All I ask is that you carry this out if you win. Honor system bros, we're bringing it back!
In a perfect world, the winner will be a family of gaming parents with an excitable, hyper-cute little offspring, but I'm sure the odds of that are slim to none. So, no matter who you are, where you live, or how bad you smell, this contest is open to you, provided you are willing to do the review! Depending on how well this goes, it may become a regular operation here, so maybe this time next year I'll want to get 10 user reviews of Call of Duty: Modern Ops 4. You never know, right?
Winner to be chosen on 10/30/11. Winner's review must be solely their own, plagiarism will not be accepted. Written reviews must be under 1,000 words, and can be accompanied by images of winner's choice (keep it clean, people!) Audio/video reviews must be under 5 minutes. Audio reviews can be accompanied by images of the winner's choice. Additional forms of review will be accepted after approval. Try breaking the game down into 10 haiku, for instance. Review must be completed no more than 2 weeks after receiving the game. Winner is free to submit any personal information they would like published along with their review (website, Facebook, Raptr profile, etc.) Exceptional work will be considered for future collaboration, pending mutual interest. No purchase necessary. Offer expires while you wait, operators are standing by. Good luck!