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    Entries in psn (45)


    Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes Demo Available Tomorrow

    Are you a fan of Japanese history and ridiculously over-the-top characters and fighting? Well then use a sick day for work tomorrow, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, the balls-to-the-wall action game loosely based on Japan's feudal era is coming to a PS3 near you.

    Samurai Heroes' demo will be available tomorrow, Tuesday September 7th, exclusively on PSN. Sorry Wii owners, you'll have to wait until release day for your fix. Sorry Xbox 360 owners, you'll have to wait until.. Never! This game is not for you! 

    The demo will feature two playable warlords of the fifteen-plus available in the retail version of the game. So whether you're the type of person who is happy strictly playing demos, or you've been sitting wide eyed in a dark corner, with a case of the shakes waiting to get your styletastic fix of 16th century Japan, hop onto PSN and give Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes a hack and/or slash tomorrow.


    PSN's Malicious is a Boss Rush

    Malicious looks really, really good. The boss-centric gameplay tosses you into the thick of things at the start of each freely selectable map, doing away with stage progression and things of the like. In true Megaman fashion, you're able to select your stage from the get go, acquire defeated boss power-ups, and implement them moving forward to defeat other bosses in the style of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 

    While the art is beautiful and the action is visceral, a game primarily consisting boss battles will undoubtedly be on the short side. Thankfully, as a PSN title, Malicious shouldn't cost more than a cool twenty. If this title stays true to form, it looks to be a definite buy.

    Malicious will release in Japan later this year. Hopefully it gets ported stateside, for some reason, something about it screams Japan exclusive to me. I hope I'm wrong.

    via Andriasang


    Review: Shank

    If you've been following Otaku But Gangsta the past few weeks, you know that I've had a hard time shutting up about Shank. The XBLA and PSN downloadable title was tickling my fancy as release day approached, and developers Klei did a nice job of keeping those interested, such as myself, drawn in. They released the game's full soundtrack, slowly unearthed alternate costumes on the game's website, and revealed the methods to unlocking them via Twitter. A few days before release, I felt a bit dirty because of how much I was buying into a game I've never played, and for all I knew, could have been a complete bomb. Am I still a Shank skank after playing the game? 

    Click to read more ...


    Shank's Soundtrack is Killer


    I've been all about Shank the past few weeks, pacing back and forth like an unsatiated fiend waiting for my fix. And while I still have a little more than a day to wait before I dish out revenge in the form of style and pain, developers Klei has made the wait that much easier (or more painful) by releasing Shank's full soundtrack

    Listen to it. Even if you're not interested in this game, you should listen to it. This soundtrack could easily score Robert Rodriguez's next Mexican shoot'em-up. While it is possible to download each file individually (without proper metadata) Klei assures we'll have a full zip file very soon. Hopefully with some proper labeling and track numbering, but even if not, it's 13 tracks of quality music, for free. Can't complain. Can't wait to hear these tracks in context. Can't stop thinking about Shank.

    Shank - Original Video Game Soundtrack by Suite803


    One Word; Shank

    Developers Klei have found something in Shank that has triggered somewhat of a euphoric explosion in my brain. Yeah, really. The anticipation for this game has been slowly building and now, five days before it's release, I really can't wait to play this shit.

    Let's act out a fantasy of Doctor Moreau real quick. Ready? I'm gonna take the art of the Venture Brothers, stitch on the musical brilliance of a modern Morricone, and add the style and savvy of a Robert Rodriguez south-western. Interested? Co-op (the second player looks like Danny Trejo,) multiple character skins (dibs on Jim Kelly,) style, gore, challenge, replay value, and all the other good things in life. Impressed yet? And it's a $15 downloadable title. Yeah, now you're amazed. If Cheech makes a cameo Shank might just reach fuckin' legend status.

    By the way, Klei is being brutal enough to release Shank's masterful soundtrack free of charge, here. All it took was 3,000 people to 'like' Shank's Facebook fan page. That was easy. Three hours later, we see why the interwebz can be a beautiful place when netizens work together.

    Less than a week until Shank is ready to gut his way into your home and let you take revenge into your own hands. I'm ready, you should be too. If you're not, I'll leave you with my favorite Shank trailer to date. Adios.


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